Picasso Creative Arts Gallery (都會駅店)


Picasso Creative Arts Gallery is a well established creative arts and crafts education centre which was founded in Hong Kong in 2004. We believe art education and creative skills training for children from an early age can assist in paving the path for a brighter future. Headquartered in Hong Kong with 3 branches located in Tiu Keng Leng, Hang Hau and our flagship studio in Tin Hau.Our teaching philosophy is to “Nurture every child’s dream and creativity by igniting their intellect through the Exploration, Experiment, Experience, and Expression of art.”Our vision is to create super stars of the future by igniting Exploration, Experience, Experimentation and Expression.

我們的宗旨是「播下創意種子,燃亮孩子夢想」“筆家索兒童藝術小天地”由2004年成立以來,至今已有11年,我們相信藝術教 育有助孩子的全人發展,讓他們融合美術知識和創意,創造更美好的世界。​我們致力推行高質素的藝術教育,用愛心去教導每位孩子,並以孩子為中心設 計出多元智能4E藝術課程:Exploration、Experiment、Experience、 Expression, 能夠大大提昇他們的學習興趣、探索力、想像力和創造力,將心中的景象一一 表達出來 “Art from the Heart” 讓孩子能成為一個勇於表達,有夢想的人。

Social Media & Contact:
Website: http://www.picasso.com.hk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/picassoartz/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/picassocreativearts/
Telephone / WhatsApp: 51229863
E-mail: kids@picasso.com.hk
Address: 將軍澳都會駅商場L2-008號鋪

本網站資料均整合自網上公開資料,包括藝術學校網站、Facebook專頁等。如有錯誤、遺漏需要修改,或者任何查詢,請以電郵 (support@hkycaa.org) 聯絡我們。謝謝。

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Picasso Creative Arts Gallery is a well established creative arts and crafts education centre which was founded in Hong Kong in 2004. We believe art education and creative skills training for children from an early age can assist in paving the path for a brighter future. Headquartered in Hong Kong with 3 branches located in Tiu Keng Leng, Hang Hau and our flagship studio in Tin Hau.Our teaching philosophy is to “Nurture every child’s dream and creativity by igniting their intellect through the Exploration, Experiment, Experience, and Expression of art.”Our vision is to create super stars of the future by igniting Exploration, Experience, Experimentation and Expression.

我們的宗旨是「播下創意種子,燃亮孩子夢想」“筆家索兒童藝術小天地”由2004年成立以來,至今已有11年,我們相信藝術教 育有助孩子的全人發展,讓他們融合美術知識和創意,創造更美好的世界。​我們致力推行高質素的藝術教育,用愛心去教導每位孩子,並以孩子為中心設 計出多元智能4E藝術課程:Exploration、Experiment、Experience、 Expression, 能夠大大提昇他們的學習興趣、探索力、想像力和創造力,將心中的景象一一 表達出來 “Art from the Heart” 讓孩子能成為一個勇於表達,有夢想的人。

Social Media & Contact:
Website: http://www.picasso.com.hk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/picassoartz/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/picassocreativearts/
Telephone / WhatsApp: 51229863
E-mail: kids@picasso.com.hk
Address: 將軍澳都會駅商場L2-008號鋪

本網站資料均整合自網上公開資料,包括藝術學校網站、Facebook專頁等。如有錯誤、遺漏需要修改,或者任何查詢,請以電郵 (support@hkycaa.org) 聯絡我們。謝謝。

Picasso Creative Arts Gallery is a well established creative arts and crafts education centre which was founded in Hong Kong in 2004. We believe art education and creative skills training for children from an early age can assist in paving the path for a brighter future. Headquartered in Hong Kong with 3 branches located in Tiu Keng Leng, Hang Hau and our flagship studio in Tin Hau.Our teaching philosophy is to “Nurture every child’s dream and creativity by igniting their intellect through the Exploration, Experiment, Experience, and Expression of art.”Our vision is to create super stars of the future by igniting Exploration, Experience, Experimentation and Expression.

我們的宗旨是「播下創意種子,燃亮孩子夢想」“筆家索兒童藝術小天地”由2004年成立以來,至今已有11年,我們相信藝術教 育有助孩子的全人發展,讓他們融合美術知識和創意,創造更美好的世界。​我們致力推行高質素的藝術教育,用愛心去教導每位孩子,並以孩子為中心設 計出多元智能4E藝術課程:Exploration、Experiment、Experience、 Expression, 能夠大大提昇他們的學習興趣、探索力、想像力和創造力,將心中的景象一一 表達出來 “Art from the Heart” 讓孩子能成為一個勇於表達,有夢想的人。

Social Media & Contact:
Website: http://www.picasso.com.hk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/picassoartz/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/picassocreativearts/
Telephone / WhatsApp: 51229863
E-mail: kids@picasso.com.hk
Address: 將軍澳都會駅商場L2-008號鋪

本網站資料均整合自網上公開資料,包括藝術學校網站、Facebook專頁等。如有錯誤、遺漏需要修改,或者任何查詢,請以電郵 (support@hkycaa.org) 聯絡我們。謝謝。